PD Tests Frequently Asked Questions


IMPORTANT: You must be a member in good standing with CEA to apply for and take any of the Professional Designation Exams.

Q: What is the basic information I need to know about PD Exams? Back To Top

A: Examinations are held in different areas of California throughout the year and as published in the CEA News or on the CEA website. Each applicant is assigned a number so that in the grading process, the identity of the person taking the exam is not known to the grader.

The CET (Certified Escrow Technician) Exam:

The CET test is divided into two (2) Sections and graded independently.

Section I is the "Escrow Problem," consisting of 600 total points (450 points are required to pass) for which you are allowed 2 1/2 hours to complete. In this portion of the exam, you are provided all the details of a loan escrow.

You will balance the file based on the information provided and answer multiple choice questions as to the preparation of the documents. You must have a battery powered calculator with which you are familiar. A running tape may be helpful. Electricity may not be available for each person at the test site.

Section II of the exam consists of 75 each "True/False and Multiple-Choice Questions." 75 True/ False questions for 75 total points and 75 Multiple Choice questions for 225 total points. Each portion is graded independently. A passing grade is 75% correct answers per portion. This section of the exam is electronic. The True/False test is separate from the Multiple-Choice test. After finishing the Escrow Problem, you will receive a separate email link to each portion of the tests and a contact name and phone number if you have any technical problems during the test. The tests will be “open” for a specific period, typically 5-8 days, for you to log in, take them and finish. You will have 60 minutes to complete the True/False test. You will have 75 minutes to complete the Multiple-Choice test.

The CEO, CSEO, CBSS and CMHS Exams:

Are each divided into two (2) Sections and graded independently.

Section I is the "Escrow Problem," consisting of 600 total points (450 points are required to pass) for which you are allowed 3 hours to complete. In this portion of the exam, you are provided all the details of a sale escrow.

You will balance the file based on the information provided and answer multiple choice questions as to the preparation of the documents. You must have a battery powered calculator with which you are familiar. A running tape may be helpful. Electricity may not be available for each person at the test site.

Section II of the exam consists of 100 each "True/False and Multiple-Choice Questions." 100 True/ False questions for 100 total points and 100 Multiple Choice questions for 300 total points. Each portion is graded independently. A passing grade is 75% correct answers per portion. This section of the exam is electronic. The True/False test is separate from the Multiple-Choice test. After finishing the Escrow Problem, you receive a separate email link to each portion of the tests. The tests will be open for a specific period, typically 5-8 days, for you to log in, take them and finish. You will have 60 minutes to complete the True/False test. You will have 90 minutes to complete the Multiple-Choice test.


The problem portion of the exams are returned to Headquarters for grading. Applicants must attain a passing grade in each of the two exam sections. If an applicant fails one or more section, he/she may re-take that section or portions of the exam within an (18) month period after the test date and successfully pass to qualify for the designation. There will be a fee for each re-take. If you do not pass the re-take in the one (18) month period allowed, you must re-apply to take the entire exam and pay the appropriate exam fees. Included in the exam fee is the cost of a single “review” of your test by a current CSEO holder. They will give you study tips based on what they found went wrong with your tests.

Applicants will be notified by mail or email of the results within three (3) weeks of the exam date. Passing or failing notifications are instant for the electronic True/False and Multiple-Choice sections. A congratulatory announcement will be sent to the applicant's employer and regional association upon passing, unless otherwise requested by applicant. All PD plaques will be forwarded to the candidate in accordance with regional customs.

Q: How do I apply? Back To Top

A: Applications for the PD exams, together with request for Verification of Employment forms, can be obtained from the CEA website or CEA Headquarters.

A Request for Verification of Employment or letter of verification (on the employer's letterhead) from each of the employers for the qualifying time must accompany each application. The letters must be specific as to escrow job duties and time of employment (month, day and year).

In the event a previous employer is no longer in business, a notarized statement from an individual aware of the employment terms and responsibilities may be given.

The application must have the approval of the Professional Designation Chair of the Regional association (or the President in his/her absence). The approval of the application by the Regional association shall also constitute verification that the member is in good standing with the Regional association.

The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable check, payable to the California Escrow Association, to cover the exam fee.

All qualifications must be verified as of, or prior to, the date of application (not the date of the exam) and the candidate must be qualified as of the date of the application. No exceptions will be made.

CEA must receive Applications no later than 5 weeks prior to the requested exam date. The current Portfolio Chair or PD Committee Chair shall review the applications to confirm time and experience requirements for the applied for designation are met. Upon approval of application, and typically 1-2 weeks prior to testing date, the applicant (candidate) will be notified by a confirmation letter of the date, time, and location of the examination.

Each exam is limited to 25 candidates; therefore, you should forward your completed application to the regional association PD Chair for processing as soon as possible. The Professional Designations committee will do its best to assign each applicant a mentor to give some pointers and study recommendations for taking the test. It is VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the applicants take the practice tests currently available on the CEA website (any or all of them regardless of which test you are taking so you can get a feel for how the tests are configured).

A candidate may notify CEA Headquarters, in writing, of a postponement request of their exam date. The candidate may re-apply to take the exam within (18) months of the first scheduled exam date, and pay the current rescheduling fee, if applicable.

In the event a candidate fails to appear for an exam and fails to notify CEA Headquarters of postponement, or does not re-apply as set forth above, the candidate must re-apply and pay an additional application fee.